HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC April 6 1989 minutesa
Elizabeth has indicated she will startA meeting is t.o be held with KaLhleenHistorianr prior to commencement.
APRIL 6, 1989
the project on April llt.h.vlat.t, S tat.e ArchiEectural
The meeting was opened al 7.gO p.m. in the City EaII conferenceroom by Chairman Tom Ens1ey. present were Chuck Randolph, ArtHoney and Sylvia Robison.
I!. principal agenda item was a report on t.he st.at.us of thehist.oric preservation grant project. A decision has been maderbased on the proposed hourly rate submitEed by t.wo consultant.s,to engage ElizabeE.h Egleston of salt Lake City to complete thesurvey of approximately 24 select.ed properties in the tirget area
_(northeasterly of the railroad to Lhe River !o t.he base oi C..,yonHill to N. Illinois to I-g4 to Franklin and 2lst and back to t.herailroad). The scope of t.he project is as follows: Theconsultant. Hill do a reconnaissance site firm for each property,provide black and whiEe phot.ographsl determine if any ot - th.u.properties merit intensive leveI research and possib).e nominationto the Nat.ionaI Historic RegisEer, wriCe thit. nominat.ion andprepare maps and files to ident.if y and cross-reference theProperties. She will then submit. Lhree copies of the finalreport and products. One complete set will go Eo Che Idaho StateHist,oric Preservation office, one will Ue placed with EheCaldwell Public Library and t.he other will be located in theEngineering and Planning office. This information will be madeavailable to the publ i c.
.lohn Hoehne was presenE and informed E.he Commission that. he andthe Economic Development. committee were working on Ehe downtovrn.He said t.hat Main streeE reviLaliza!.ion j.s noE Ihe *I priority at.the present. time since there are a few ot.her projlcUs Ulinginvestigatedl but. he assured commission members Lt,a[ r,e has agreat interest in hist.oric preservation. Hoehne also st.aLed t.hat.he has been in contact with UpnR regarding Ehe depot and isworking on ideas for funding. ihere -have been rene$reddiscussions about moving it to inother location Lo increase thepoLential uses for t.he buildingr as t.he railroad company hasimposed very severe restrictioni for Che use of t.he depoc iU it.present site because of liability.
Eurther discussion on the survey ensued,Randolph made a motion to include propertiesand Cleveland in t.he project if theie is anyavailabLe after compleiion of phase I.
after which Chuckon Arthur, BIa i ne
excesg time or money
tleeting adjourned at, 8:45 p
Sylvia Robison
Se c re t,ary pro t.em
o o
APRIL 6, 1989
The meet.ing rdas opened aE 7 zOO p.m. in the Cit.y HaJ.l conf erenceroom by Chairman Tom Ensley. present were Chuck Randolphl ArtHoney and Sylvia Robison.
The principal agenda item was a report on the status of t.hehistoric preservation grant project. A decision has been made,based on t.he proposed hourly rat.e submitLed by !\ro consultants,Eo engage Elizabet.h EgLeaton of SalL Lake City Lo complete thesurvey of approximately 24 selected properties in the t.argeE area(northeast,erly of the railroad to the River Eo the base oi Ca.,yonHilI to N. Illinois to I-84 to Eranklin and 2lst and back !o Lherailroad). The scope of the project is as folloers: Theconsultant will do a reconnaissance sit.e firm for each property,provide black and $rhite photographs, det.ermine if any of theseProperties merit intensive level research and possible nominat.ionto the National Bietoric Regi6Ler, write t.hat nomination andprepare maps and files to ident.if y and cross-reference thepropert.ies. She will then submit three copies of the finalreport and products. One compLete set vrill go Eo the Idaho StaLeHisEoric Preservat ion officer one will Ue placed wiEh theCaldwel.L Public Library and t.he other wiLl be locaEed in theEngineering and Planning office. This information will be madeavailable to the pubLic.
Elizabet.h has indicated she will startA meet.ing is t.o be held with Kat.hleenHistorianr prior to commencement.
the project on April llth.
Wattr S t at.e ArchitecEural
John Hoehne vras present and informed Ehe Commission thaE he andthe Economic Development. commit.tee were working on the dor.rntown.He said that Main StreeE revitaLization is not ahe *I priority atthe presenC time since t.here are a few other projLcUs Ueinginvestigatedl buL he assured commission members LnaE ne has agreat interest. in historic preservat.ion. Hoehne also stat.ed E.hat.he has been in cont.act wit.h UPRR regarding t.he depot and isworking on ideas for funding. ihere have been reneweddiscussions about. moving it. to another location to increase thepoEent.ial uses for the building, as Lhe railroad company hasimposed very severe restrictioni for t.he use of the depot it. itspresent siEe because of liability.
Further discussion on the survey ensuedrRandolph made a mot.ion t.o include propertiesand Cleveland in the project if there is anyavailable after complet.ion of phase l.
after which Chuckon Arthur, BIa i ne
excess t.ime or money
Meeting adjourned at. B:45 p
SyIvia Robison
Secretary pro tem