HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC Jan 20 1983 minuteso o January 20, 1983 Interum meetlng of Caldwell Centannla] Conmlttee met January 20, at the Clty HaIl wlth Tom Ensley, Chalnnan, presldlng. Slx nelbers, Ihyor }hCluskey and Les Carter attcnded. It was nnved, seconded and passed that the Centinnlal Parads be scheduled for September 17' 1983. Following the I'layor's wishes lt was nrved, seconded and passed that tryo more honorary chalmen be nam€d: Harry McCluskey and Sarah Rankln - ln addltlon to George Crookham. Ulth the I'lqyor nor assumlng the general chalraanshlp of the Centelrnlal , as per the task force rretlng, locatlon of the Centennlal offlce ras dlscussad at length. Moved, seconded and passcd that lt rtmaln at the llbrary for at least two rmne weeks and see hor lt goes. Under the new arrangement Lorene wlll no l onger be ]lason beb{een the cormlsilon and the coordlnator. The coor{tnator rlll work dlrcctly wlth the lilayor, though her salary wlll stlll come fron com[l ttee funds. Jan announced the poster contest is under way. Lorene statcd she had put together a 60-sllde show vllth her orrn narratlon. She showed lt flve tlmes:at Van Buren on January 13 rnd four tlmos at Llncoln on Januqtry 14 to glve the klndergarten thrcugh thtrd graders a rough Caldwcll Hlstory story and then poster tdeas. 1500 students plus facul ty were reached. Poster grade prlzes for each group wlll be T-shlrts and Gntenn{al buttons. Jan wlll take charge of checklng wlth the local people ln rcgrrds to nqrrpapcr aftlcles. Lorcne and Dave wlll concentrate on the dorntrf plcture d{splry. Loulsr Bnd Lorenc have worked up a more appnoprlate bookkeeplng system. ihetlng adJourned. I a O ilanuary 6, 1983 The Caldrell Hlstorlcal Pr€servatlon/Centennlal Cmnlttee net January 6, 1983' at the Clty Hall rlth Tom Ensley, Chalnrnn, presldlng. Flve nrelrbers wer€ present: Les Carter, Clty Councll Pete Cowles, Clty Councl l Roger Horton, Clty of Caldwcll Loulsa Cone, Centennlal Coordlnator Paddy Pace, 01d Town Ca'ldwell Assoc. The mlnutes of 0ctober 20 and 26, November 2 and 18 and December 2 and 16 wer.e read and approved. Coor{lnator, Loulsa Cone, grve the follmlng report ( copy eacloscd). It was mved, seconded and passed that the Caxton reprlnt blll of $2,700 be pald. It t{as r€ported Tom, Lorene and Loulsa worked at the Decenter 18, do{ntorn Chrlstmas celebratlon selllng doughnuts, clder and Centennlal itens wlth buslness bad! Safeway and A'lbertsons donated food and drlnk. Left oyer doughnuts glven to Salvation Anny and clder rvas saved to be sold at another Centennlal functlon. Very negatlve dlscusslon on the January 2 Steve l,lanker artlcle ln the Idaho Free Press. It .ppears the Mayor asked for the artlcle and wll'l pay for same. Roger Horton stated lt was a dead lssue and therc would be no npre. Roger also reported on the recent'ly appointed task force - now steerlng cormlttee - who wi'll take over directlon and plannlng of the Centennlal wlth a broader base. They wish to lncrease nunber of honorary chalnnen to three pcrsons - addlng Harry McCluskey and Sarah Rankln to the llst. It was called to thelr attentlon that George Crookham had been previously asked and accepted in the fall of 1981. It became apparent the Centennlal Corm{ ttee ls tota'l ly bewlldered as to thelr posltlon and responslbllltles ln regard to the Centennlal . 0pen dlscusslon - No actlon. lthetlng adJourned. O o I ? 3 4 5 6 7 8 AGENDA HISTORICAL CO}I?'IISSION REGULAR I.IEETING JANUARY 6, 1983 Readlng of mJ nutes Electlon of Offl cers Report from Loul sa Cone Co-ordlnatlon wlth Task Force Cormlttee Artlcles for newspaper Report on photo dl sp'l ay Nanlng of Honorary Centennlal Chalrmen Attendance at "O'lde Town" meetlng tonlght o ,m Ensley { tIA \ttaVl/ L ,3 8r-' I j ti' ilI Loule Attebery Jan Backwith l,orene Thurston |u lL L"n 6-r-L.t U- : Roll Uafl 19az IJave D ors ey er t/ un 1I: V Lalson l{on-votlng tes Carter ,/l/ 2 uS an 1G t_o Paul Evans J eanette Ric€ ,rz -I(en Rober Alice Dunlap.t3 te Cowl-es GudstBS tg ,L y'to/et +1a^^j,'*sE il l/t'it/ I ,/{r- brlVL-o-f \ ;o aZzad aa IT ZrI ee I ) I r' t/ ) t/v,u /1, | r'iy i "1, l, t/ lr iy ly i/14, V lv I L/l '/ I /l t/v t/ it/ i/ i/ ,! l" I / l,- l,/ 6/1 I V t/l/ vlrt Itl/tl lvt' ,/1, r'l /I v I y'y t lrl,'ltl 4, t/ /l " I y 1,.La I U,+q b. l/ a/ t/vVt/l,/*Y,l)" I I,/l t/lr/ .-..-..-......--.-------.-