HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC Feb 10 1983 minuteso February 10, 1983 Regul ar metlng of cal dre'll Hlstorlcal Prcssrvatlon Conmlsllon called to oder by Tom Ensley. lthnbers plus one lrrlvlng late, 3 guasts.nd tilayor llcCluskey were prrsent. lllnutcs of last trto nectlngs were rrad - but not rpproved as th.re was no quorum. I The Centennlal Parade, Scptenter 17, plans rrcrc dlscussed wlth Don 0gcwr, ,Iqycee representatlve pre3Gnt. Art Hrney, a guest, also presented plradr suggestlons and ldeas. In regard to the annual electlon Tom sald Dave Dorsey, lst Vlce Chalrman, has decllned stepplng up to the Chalnrnnshlp. No further actlon - as no qu0rum. t Loulsa presented b{lls for Dave, $681.80 for photo materlrlr dmntorn dlsplayi Glen Cornell's blll for flvc slgns rnd rlan poster contcst. Ton wlll poll the members. Loulsa reportcd hand lncludlng grant funds of $6,171.09. Pcnnlsslon grantcd sell 50 or mre crlendars to one lndlvldual for $3 each. rnd rork on Beckrl th for a bllance on to let Carton The rcsponslblllty for artlcles to thc Press-Trlbune regardlng the Ccntennlrl rrs dlscussed - no concluslon as Steve I'lanker has been askcd to contlnue wrltlng a feu more. artlcles. Lorene stated that 16 Centennlal crlendar I tems fonnd the frane work for the flrst art{cle - wlth fact and flctlon added. Photo ldentlflcatlon wis poor wlth eyen a 7o-year error. ltluch dlscusslon. (No more mlnutes as Secr€tuy had to leave to glve a sllde-tape Centennlrl shovr.) a