HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC Sept 7 1982 minutesI a Ca-L.].eci a r. t;te Jr i,r.lto Orr Ci:ilOncaI. leo'b. 7, L9)2 oorn of tire liirrary to proof reau le,lt.was callerr to orcler 19l2ch.i9, o,. Tor tnsl e ,,1:: u-rr._ 1;r t.te i of 0 mceti-nE;'rooil were preseitt, aue Oct 1/ or r)arter, llortoi.r an,* L.ione. tiie cit;. lhe f oIJ-o;,rin3 plus 13 forTo..r st;rtecL the bur.det Ls O buslless was L, is cr-lss er if . i.,,:uisa sii,it 1;ire irei.,hoorllood cr'1:,re stopoers wi].l self .ieittennial buinper s tlckers .2. Lire par;c c was c-iscussetr. r-loorc.inato|v?il-i ask the Ja_,,cees iftrte; wiil iranc.le it. Geor6e j}ooj.iiaiu iv:r.S prr/'o rs1; rainetl.llonorar, ;:ntei,nial ri r'ra i t".liir.it etnc rvi-Ll- be the Granc !.{aisiral-1.rl--'andes, cirurciies, clubs , sci'rools, b,-lsinesses, illclivic.uals, .lninel;irborii:r; 'bowns s.:roul-c be contalcteci. An en ir;, }1st shoulribe starteu. J. Soue Liscussi,rn on eoa-:ission for sel-1i-r; calenc:ats--.o a.i;cision.4. .i'Ioveu siconr^eL. anr. DasseLr trta'L !O'lisa, s bif 1s be all-Oweo as f ollowstf4.40 Thorn Prir: t i.r..--f i-. er ,,.istrib. at le1 . !o. oten ]rouse 10.0C Carrenter i,-r';;-, ':.i r. i . --l Pi,0 cories 10.00 *even i\elson--for 1o;o uesi;n Tliese wi-1l be presentec to the clty, 5. :loJer =orton .vas -rante,-. !el'alj-ssaoll ro auc Do.l-isheo b.ronze L)31t . i.rucxres anu or icelalions to the oreviousll' aDr]lovsL. s1lver iler-Lllioirs. fire price of si]-rJi' hits iucr'-iii5ce so 111-lcol '[n9 polr-sh+c. oronze r&;, ps .xore si-i,Ie abl-e. 6. liortorr ai-so i;ofL tite co.ri..tission of the offler of the Rogers Co., al -lromotlon co oany, t'l.ir o wouli-. irKe ljo corne rO Jal.dlveIl and aiscuss thiir :ne'L,roc, f oi oi'o,:ro Lio- tire centennial c.rlebretion. Auon6 other tjrinJs [r1e ji r,,ourc 2u-c on a Jaroe ( ]ocal- lartieipati on) eveoin; .)itJeant. locinL fiaanclal backin- lvoula be necessaryas to un frorrt aoney for tire J,uarantee. lhe eomlany stirulates that if they-wouli; co.oe for a oresent:tt1on, the c:ecisj-on to retain'bir:ir scr,rrcus !voui-.. tlc eitirer acceote(r. or re j ecteo at the r)r'c s errtati orr ,neetir];. It was uecli.eo 'i;o ti',, to l-ine uD some iiiL ivr-Luais/ or' ousJ-n.lss w.,io ivoul-c. be ir, i.r. rosltioil to ullLer,'Jrite tire ven bure. :io6er 8,nu Tcn wj-Ll- ror-i on tiiis . rhe re€,ultlr uc Iober .[ed'bin$ w]-LI be postpon:o iin!.. call-ec, 1ilter , ,- -) L- .l* .1.-- . ":,,; J -). -- , ry ..o-L"liOn 'I o rre .3 ? IDAHO STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 610 NORTH JULIA OAVIS DRIVE BOISE. 83702 STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Septenber 7, 1992 Cal,dwel1 Hlstorlc Preaervatlon ComLssion Ctty Ea1l P.0. Box 1177 Ca1dwel1, ID 83505 Dear Comlsslon Menbers : We are pleased to advlse you that the Caldwell l{lstoric Dlstrict lras accepted In the Natlonal Reglster of lllstorlc Places on July 19, 1982. sfurcerely,t -/*rfState lllstoric Preservatlon office o 9*^ 1010 Oqarborn St.eet, Caldwell, ldeho 8360$4195, Tetephone (208) 45$3242 lptourer Publrc lib-ry TO: FROM: Attache Ca I dwel(it als July). Financi a l Conmi ttee Caldwell City Counc i I Sue Gi I roy s a current financial statement for the entennial Celebration through June 30 nciudes the $200 Coordinator's salary for Projecting salary costs, telephone charges, and mileage reimbursement will deplete the budget before September 30. The Celebration Conmi ttee is aware of this problem and is in the process of p) anni ng fund-raisers. The $81 .68 for Centennial stickers was not budgeted and was an expenditure from City Hall. If you need further information, please call meat:. 459-3242. di ICoi Q