HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC March25 1982 minuteso Thursday March 25, 19aa Intervlews for the position of Uentennial Uoordinator were held ln the Idaho Room of the ualdwell Public Li brary. The followlng members were pregent: Tom Ensl-ey, J eanette Rice, Jan Beckquith and Lorene fhurston. sue Gilroy was excused as one of the lnterviewies is a part time library emplo.yee. ,t ob discrlpticn was discussed with the following points noted: 1. 5.oolhour tIncl, Soc. Sec. and y,ork. Uonp.l 2. Iiandle organization rather than rristorical (see earlier chart )5. Work well with people4. vrork closely with liason tiistoric uomrnission Ivember. r'om announced Uathy I\:u111ns had f ounri other e'nployment. rollowin€ the interriews with Dora ,.orle\. and Louisa i]one, those present were unaninous in that Loulsa rioneis pre'iious experience with larae scale organization was betller qualified 1'or the position. rome will poll the other nem.Ders. lteeting adj ourned. ) Lorene Thurston Sec. April 7, 1982 'Ihe meet j-ng vias called to order by Ch. Ton Ensle-rr. Six mernbers and 2 Uity Councll members vrere ptesent. The minLrtes of the last meeting were read and approved as corlected. Louisa Cone , the Centenneal Ooordinator was introduced. Under nev', Iltisiness the coordinator rs salary schedule was discussed. l'orn said it will be eatier for the citv to handle if it is f lgurecl as part time, p ZOO/mo. rather than hourly. $election of location for the office is under lday. Dalre]l Diede has offered space in the school Adroinlstration office. Jan l3eckquith ri]oved., it wes seconded and passed t,hat we establish the Ooordinator's office at the school aorninistration office, llOI 0leveland. O Detail will harre to be worked out and equipment procurredl Tom '/si11 work on the details. Lorene Thurston was elected fiason commission menber for day to day r"K a 188]-198] CALDWELL CENTENNIAL CAI,ENDAR PROPOSAL The Clty Councll has requested that estleated costs for reproduclng )rOOO calendars be subultted to coupare wlth the !,O00 e stluate. The Hlstorlc Preservatlon Conolsslon reconoends that the Iesser quantlty of J,OOO be ordered. 5,OOO CALENDARS $ro,oo oo RetalI @ $1.5o ea. comElsslon @ $l-.oo q o 57$I2, 500Production co sts. 4,220. 1,155- Estlmated PRoFrr. ......rT;z8il ......$n,1ry Dlfference 1n prlntlng costs $1,065 Reproductlon costs ulII be advanced by the flncance commltteeof the glty Councll, payeb)-e by Noveuber I, l-982. Thls 1s to be repald frou cal-enilar sale s. The comulsslon rlII not be responslble for any unpald blllsor ea1arles. Houever, 1t u111 be responslble for productlon, dLstrlbutlon and collectlon froE sales. Proflts over and aboveproductlon costs are to be used for coordlnatorrs salary. $ a SPEC IFI C ATIONS: 24 pages plus cover, uslng Cover a,od. BO Ib. Sundance A protrpt declslon 1s requested. Submltted by pound lihl te Su ndance e text for the pa8es.flhl t Llthographed. throughout entlrety ( cover and pages) 1n 2-color 1nk (b3-ack plus a second. selected color to vary Calandars ulLl- be {1re stltchecl at fold and drllled ulth round hole for hangl ng. Typesettlng and reproductlon proofs of type copy are 1nc l-uded. 1n prlntlng costs. Hlstorlc CoEElsslon 1s to supply printer uith alL necessa,ryartuork, r&utched photos, type speclflcatlons and. ca,mera- ready paste-ups of each pa.ge. PAUL B. EVANS phone 459-lB7r a l. ooo oALEI.,DARS 198]. CENTENNIAL ?ROPOSAU o E::t:;:i:l 3:i::u:l"n:',i'fix?,7t'tuBff3.tnil'"' 5,OoC Calendars selllng @ $1.50 each SaIes Commlsslon $1. O0 each 000 Iroductlon Costs. I2,500 4 220 Presumlng that the outlook l,lo u 1'e 1d PROFIT seII on)-y lM Calendars from 5M prlnted, be as follolis: @$1.0o ea...... o $ro, 5oo - r, oo0 $7, 500 220 l,ooo @ $1.50 each Sale s C'ornm 1s s 1o n Productlon costg.4 a PF.CFTl d7.'.......$rr l-.OO ea........-2 Presumlng that ue seJ.I only 21t{ Calendars from $M prlnted the results uould be as follo$s: 2,ooo'@ $f.50 each.. SaIes conmlsslon @ $ t'A o o o o o a tr 4 o o oo 20Productlon cogts. PROFIT Calenda.rs not sold couId. be used ag $1fts to tourlsts, vlsltlng V.I.Pr s, ChaEber of Conmerce dlstrlbutton, etc. Calenda.rs are to be sol-d as proflt-makers by clvlc clubs, neusstands, book stores, and clubs such as OvJyhee Gem Clqb, P.E.O.ts, Iodges, youth organlxatlons such as boy scouts, Key CIubs, school cholrs, muslc clubs, college organlzatlons, GooC Sam clubs, etc, etc., etc. - ln fact, any organlzatlonthat have fund ra,1sln6 proJects, A11 uou1d recelve $I.OO comnlsslon on each sale. These uould be dlstrlbuted on conslgnment. I o e o 5,OOO CALENDARS SELLING AT $].50 EACii PLAN 6ALE6 COMIV]ISSION Cono l s s1o n P rodu c t1o n TCTAL COST TROFIT c l-.oO each .oo 1AC.90 $r.rc A o E 40 2 "50 Qtr 'I tttr .85 .,C I{' a.II !M seII @ If a,1I 5M sell @ PL 1f.a1I 5ivi seII (e $r.50pl_an e erch. . To ta,I Cost....$ t7, 5ccI]. CCC H-Z.E6d &r-r I1 6z anB ?Ian AFlan A 50 ea,ch.Total cost. .. PROFIT. FROFIT ,5OOac:a F6l-to to taI E c.... F O0e |] ,Lar cL ai-^ *4,22o each.. ...,$I7,5ooC ?oterl co st. . We brae,k even on Product 1o nvlll ha.ve to eel1 coples Gosts on PLAN PLAN PLAN 1n 2, 1, 4 co coo 7.U0 5OOO CALENDARS SE,LLING AT $].OO EACH }LAN SALES CO}O:ISSION D o E 40 I h If all 5M setl @ $r.oo If aII 5sI seII @ $1.0o "'"3*0,.i..i;i;i.;;;ti3:383 Lrzc I.OO ea. Atr-_-___::22.O5 .95 each.. " '$r5,occPLAN D Total 'Costs.... 1l.OCO PROFIT. 2'CCO PROF]T.... 4,85O each" " "tr5'oooPLAN F Total coet..... 9,25oDDr'\tlT4r tr 7tr4 1ng 2, BOOi'aqo 2, 1OO #4,22o.," Commlsslon Produ ctlon TOTAL COST PROFIT .o) QE -T;68 1. 15 a If all 5I{ seII @ $l.oo To brea.k even on productlon costs We n1II have to eeII coples of PLA PLA FLA to ttnl ND NE NF PLAN DttE oF P LAN AtB tto FROFIT $a;oo- 6r?5Q 8,25o PROFIT hz, u\,u 4,85o 5,7rO Proflt March 2, I982 The regular meetin€! of the jiistoric Corunission was called to order a bv r,hairman :'om Ensley. 6 mernbers and Iete Cowles were present.rt lliinutes were read and approrred as coflected. r,he Chalrman announced .he loan availabfe ai'ter Oct,1, 1982, from the city for the calentlars had been approved. It w1l-I be pald back on a 5O/5O basis wlth recelpts from sal-es. *on also nentioned contaet with DECA-the marketlng program at the High School . r he.'r are working on plans for making Uentennial drticles and vrilf hendfe the marketing and give the profits to the commission. raul Evans stated 3,OOO. calendars would cost i5,155. (1.05 ea. ) Selling @ 5.50 ea, v,/ould gross 10,5OO. -5.000. oales Comm. @1 .00 ea. (proposed )7 Enn - ;:i;;: -ost -iaxton 'isX: 4,345. rrofitPaul- is working on the calendali and Dave, Lorene and J ea nett e C w111 assist urith resolrrces of the Oral Hlstory Llollection of stldes at the library. Lorene and J eanette ha...e been researching for dates of important events--of lnterest to the generel public-1n the growth of Ualdwell for eech tlav of the .vear. some discussion. Some aliscussion. Lorene sald theyrd f oll-ow thru as she feels the historlcal dates will add more keepsake value to the sale of the cal-endars than the 1,983 dates of events proposed by raul . l'hese w111 be as close as lossible to one .r 2 liners.tsee b elow-uverl ooked while t.ypingl ton will check with cit.y of f icial.s on necessitv of adr,'ertising for a coordinator. rlhose presentl\' interested include Louisa Cone, Uathy rvlulf ins, and Dora iviorle.y. I'om will call us later in re€lards to resumes and interrriews. ,,;eeting ad J ourned .f/-,t"tr - L{embers present:Thurston, Se c. En sl ey Thurst on,orsey Ev ans l11ce Be c kqul th uowl-e s )r The commisssion very much needs to get up to fullstrength. Suggestlons are requested to replace+1lce Dunlap and tlen Roberts.o h{