HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC Feb 3 1982 minutest Feb. 3, 1982
'Ihe Ca1ciwel1 Hlstorical Comnission meeting was call-ed to order
by Chairman Tom Ensley in the Clty Councll chambers. Seven
members and Pete Cowles were preBent. Mlnutes of the last
regular meeting were read and approved. Paul Evans read a
l-etter from the city of .Terome, regarding their recent calender
sa1e. 'i'ire chalrman announced the Strahorn Buitding (old
f iu.u.yt0tis been nominated to the l{ational Hlstoric Register.
Informal dlscussion followed concerning funding the expense of
the Centennial . A fetter has gone out to all chairmen or
presidents of the 151 tocal organlzations listed by the
Chamber of Commerce. Copy of same filed wlth these minutes.
It was declded to hold a special meeting in regard to the
Centennial fundlng and acth,ities Feb. 16 at 4 PM 1n the ldaho
Hoon at the llbrary. Meeting arl journed.a 6l-
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ivlembers Preaent:
Thurst on
Be c kwlth
At t ebery
Cowl e s
Lorene Thurston
Feb. 16, 1982
The speclal meetlng of the llistorlc Cormlsslon was calleal to
oxaler by the chalrnan Tom lns]-ey. Slx members anal Carter &
Cowles lvere present. Susan cllroy announceal that the Thurstlgy
Muslca1e has offered to chalrman the rnonth of May. ComnissloE
membets selecteal names of organlzations fron ths BallLrg llst to
follow up wlth lndebth Centennlal lnformat'1on. There was further
cal-endar fundlng discusslon. It was moved, secondeil and pass€d
that we make a formal presentatlon of needs to the Ulty Council.: . g. .
That we ask the clty counci {nr"o.oo for prlntlne catendargI#whlch w1l} be sol-d. The lvaad.lbt s of whlch wIIl be Aueq !o paylf ot
the coordlnator and expefise# ior re months of centennlal
celebration. rvleeting ad j ourned.
vr/.'"1 ;ulo"il' Lorene 'I'hurston' sec '
4 r'boa! UA.a)
a el|
/ 3/ ezfle,idla,-
e.- "qdtb.' ?
Art of Cal dwelI
Dance in Caldwel I
Drama in Caldwel I
Recreation (proposed month of
of August for Rodeo )
l,lr i tten hi s torylevents
oral History of Cal dwel I
4th of Juiy
Agri cui ture of Caldwell
Industry in Cal dwel I
Archi tecture of Ca i dwel I
The participation of your organization can be accomplished in a number
of ways. l.je would ljke to have a "sponsoring organization" for each of the
subiect areas. lJe also need a person who is willing to be the chair for that
particular month's topic. organizations who are interested in contributing
programs, people, etc., to a month's programs are also needed.
I am enclosing an organizational chart to help you visualize the plan.
The activities and programs for each month wi'l I be determined by the
Historical Conmission, the month's chair, and the sponsoring organization
with input from the contributing organization. 0f course, we would like to
have as many and as varied programs as possible for each month's subiects
with a minimum commitment of one large program and one smaller program per
top'ic. An exhibit relating to the topic would also be nice. The Cormission
purposely does not want to set more requirements for how the individual
subiects are handled because this is a communi ty celebration and the different
approaches to the festivities are what will make the Centennial a success.
you would propose that this topic be celebrated.
Participation is the key to success on a conmuni ty endeavor such as this'
so choose a topic and get in touch with me no later than March 5. If you have
any questions, please iontact me or Susan Gilroy, our new city Library Director'
t.le look fortrard to hearing from you.
Tom Ens I ey
President, Hi stori cal
Commi ssi on
organl -ts
r 3)
"th that
lJould your organization be willing to be either the l) sponsoring
zation (we have inaluded $.l00 toward operating expenses for each month
program); 2) be a contributing organization toward a specific topic; o
have a person who would be willing to be the chair for that month. If
would you please tell us what topic you are interested in and what mon
The Historicai Conmission has been directed by the Mayor and City Council
to organize festivities for Caldwell's Centennial in 1983. lJe would like to
have the cooperation of your organization.
What we are proposing is dividing the year into twelve topics: