HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC Mar 7 1979 minutesItlarch 7, L9?9 Ttre Ca1drel1 Connlsslon on Eletorlc heservatlon Eet Il tJedne sday llarch 7 at the Clty EaU. Four nenbers, councll repres-! entatlon ltarlIyn Ebunen and it guesta were present. Paul B. Erana, chatrnan, called the Eeetlng to oraler. The ulnutes rere read and corre cted . Erpand.lng the nenberehlp to the naxlmum of 10 nenbera Yas dlcussed. Thre e lnd.lvlduals rlth quallfylng backarounds have sl8nlfleal a deslre to serve. The Connlselon voted to submlt the nanes Oo the clty councl1. An attorney la elso belng approeched. The follorlng l teusrere allacuaaedt Ur CasseL of the Colleae of Id.aho has been contacted 1n regard to the old Cof I bulIdlng. heeently-not lnterested. The butldlng can be reassenbled on a ner slght lf enough lnterest. Louts Aatebury wtII rork E&li the aluonae lnfornatlon and perhapa there w111 be s oloe alulnae reaponae. Kathryn Stcr4rt has -purchas€d 904 Belmont ( gaker Eouse) and plans to restore 1t. Bd.rard Perry, 703 Belnont, has been norklng to reatore for 1* years. ELlzabeth Su1llvan rllL rrlte to varlous agen c1e s--reque st- lnF Eaterial for our llbrary fl1e. Sald f11e 1111 probably be housed ln the Caltlre U Ll brary and be aval1ab1e to the pubLlc. Jenlfer Attebury, a guest, xho 1s rorklng for the state on nontnatlone for the Netlonal Begleter rants lndlvldual nonlnatlons. The area sh ls coverlng no ls doxntoxn CaldweU--Ualn Et. between {*6th and 9th and some of Arthur St. ,,r'r" I t| ,r"ro,r".rili:;"i"1.,fltil:i:,*"i:':31*":l"Htl'ull"lI'1".i:f3ii"i:,q,il v .lul1e Hyslop of the Oflyhee County Hlstorlca1 Soclety-epoke- sharlnS her knowled.ge and. erperlence. Ttre foDlorlng polnts rere noteds 1. Establlsh a llblary flle of baslc lnformatl on 2. Keep and uPdate an 4!!gg. lnventory of poealb1.e quallfylnS bul1dln88 3. Bead ths 11bba!y Eeterlal so the coomleslon knon- the optlons avalleb1e4. Ptan our courae of actlon The neetlng ras adJourned. ,\ruil* ,*rqbi.^- Lorene Thurston Se cretaryItlenbers pre sent s Atte bury EvanegulL lvan Thur ston Beunan-C1ty Councll a c of yt l't i. l tt et a r Lrril; eecc: ThurSton i a tt riana ,' ,' ,) I l'1 11 )