HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC Feb 7 1979 minutes,a
Ecbruary 7, L979
Thc Ca1alwcll Conmlsslon on Elstorlc Preservation net Wcdncs-
atay Fcb. 7, 1979 at the 01ty HalI. Flve mcmbcrs anal Mayor Robert
Paslcy were prescnt. Paul B. Evans, chalrman, presltletl. Scvcn guests
wcra lntroduceil . Thc mlDutcs of thc last mcetlng werc read ana
Mr Evans lntroduccd th6 spcekers: Arthur Eart, dlrcctor ofthc gtatG Hlstorlcal Muscum, ancl Ron WcI1s, an architcct tlth thcUnlvcrslty of ldaho, who is a]-so worklng on the }listorlc Prcscrvatlonprogram. Mr. Eart spokc of thc purposc, ncetl, procee{lurcs antl thls
commlsgloels tlutlce ln relatlon to the prcscrvatlon of our archttittural
and oultural hcrltagc. Slldes lYcrc ahown 69 6Ternplca of rostoratlon
arld prcscrvatlon ln othcr areas. Mr. WoII spokc conccrnlng flnanclng
rcstoratlon work. Both atatc(l thc Caltlwell Maln St. arca 1a a prlne
area to become an Elstorla Dlstrict. (Notos, as thc sccrctary lntorprGtcdl
thelr etatemcnt wlll fo11ow thc minutes)In regard to thc flrst honc of thc College of lalaho' on
Albany St., Mayor Paslcy stateat t'hc Flre Departmcnt hae dcclarctl thc
atructurc to bc a hazzard and has thc porcr to start abatemcnt
DrocecdlDgs. [6r Evana rcportctl hc has talkcal to aeveral ,pcrsonsissoclatctl wlth thc C ofI- regardlng relocatlng thc bulltllng but, at
prescnt, that doss not gecm fcasablr. Ec wlll chcck furthcr. Kcnt
Jobason, who ls dcmotlsbing the bulltllng, stateal lt could bc rcasscmbled
Donollsblon w1]I contlnue.
Thc ohairnan rcDortcal Vlvlau ?qlhemus had callctl hln and
was lntcrestctl ln W &, ieoq c*4tt1frt*t{n'e stuallcal In rclatlon to
bclng namcal to the Elstortc Regieter. A Dlscusslon followed. Jcnlfcr
Attcbcry, of thc museum staff and a Suest w111 do somc research on
thc proportlGs.
Thc chalrman statetl thc commisslon Is allowctl 10 ncmbers.vlsltore lntcrestcd 1n servlng on thc commlsslon were lnvltcd to
statc tblr intcnt to thc chalrman--for forthcr actlon.
Meetlng ad j ourncd .frhh.@-br/
Iorsnc Tburston
Sc c rctary
ucrnbers prescnt:
Loule X. Attcbcry
Tom EnsleyEllzabcth tiu]-].lvan
Lorcnc Thurston
Pau]- B. Evang
Uayor Paslcy
o Notes--from Arthur Hart antl Ron Wellrs talks.
Mr. Eart:
be avatlablc.
and 5O6 to rcls bclng resto
Hl stHlst
Dlstrlct' - -whlcto upgratle nel
Prescrvatlon 1s good buslncss ln rcgard to cncrgy usc.
Slncc 1979 whon flrst funded, tbo funal lng has almost
tloublcd cach ycar.
Inccntlves for rcstoratlon by thc buslncss Communlty:1. Cor tnunlty ldcntltye. Grant program adminlstcrcd by Natl Park gcrvlcc
3. Tar lnccntlves in regard to xcstoratlon--tar rcforn act
Our tluty ls to lnvorm cltlzens of thcgc ltrccntlvcs. In ords r
to bc cllglble foi a grant--thc bulltl1ng must bc on thc ltlstorlo Reglster.-Nccessary pioocodural stcps to qualify for tbc Rcglstry
luclutie: 50 ycars oldslgnlflcant ln thc history of the arca
rcprcsentatlon of thc perlod of arbhitccturG
clcslro to bc on tho Rogl,sterct.Aftcr th18 study ls made & wrltten up, lt le scnt to thc
18 membcr atatc board--who rcvlcw thc crctlentials. It ls votcal upon,
antt lf favorable, 1s rcfcrrcil to thc EGrltagc & Recrcation ServLcc, lYash.
D.C. If thc bulldlng mccts all the crlteriar onc of our OoEgrcsamGn
1g notlftoit, who ln turn notlflos thc loca1 Icve1.
ilon-co'r-erclal property 1s cllglblc to nGrants ln Aldn for
crtcrlor Dcnovation--up to 50$ of- the cost (tf atallablc)., for rcpalr
of fountlatlons, roof8, ctc. Intcrlors arc not lnvolvcil . owncrs arG
protcctctl and may later tear ths structurc down--but thrrc arc no
tar tlcductlona for alemolltlon.a young enough program that funds stl1l scem to
ls posClble to gct Fcderal trUnal s for 5O7o ol purcbasc
rc. Tlrc Ada Thcatcr ln Bolse--the o1d Egyptlan Theater
with funals lrom 50$ of appralsal. prlcc.
c Dlstrlct--c Oomm. has thc puwcr to dcclare an arca an Hlatorlcal
n turn scts down rules for othcra. It 1s an opportutrlty
orhooalB--but 1s an awsomc rcsponslblllty and of
coursc nceala councll backlng. Sse 1aw--
Mlan Et ls a prlmc arca to bccomc an Hlstorlc Dlstrlct.
Eistoric Zonlng wlthln thc Dl strlct --owners submit crtorlor changcs for
rcvlcw. The Rivlcw borad coultl bc our commlttcc--whlch ls madc up
from sevcral flclds of study & lntcrest. New structure wlthln thc Dlstrlct
would of coursc also havc to be revlcwetl.
SBokc concernlng tar sbeltcrs--& the tar rcforB act of 1976
I. Remodellng cost amortlzctl over 5 ycars2. Or long tirm--bu11d & rc storat lon- -shcltcr ovcr B0-e5-yrs.
Hc ttlstributed a w6rk shcet--uaCdg thc formcr titcuncrbcrg horc ' 409 So
Klnball as an cxample of how the flnano lng, taratlon, ctc. woulal uork.
Notcs takcn by L. Thurston-Ja