HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC Apr 4 1979 minutesAprll 4, 1979 o Ihe Ca1drel1 Conmlsslon on Hlstorlc Preservatlon Eet tlealnesday Aprll lr at the clty EaU. Ctral rman Paul Evan e preslded. He- announced. the fofloilng new menbers have been naned to the connlsslon by the Clty Councll: A1lce D'nlep ' Jan Beckrl th ' Dave Dorsey and BIli Glaray. Seven rnenbers. councll representetlve t{ar11yn Bauian, and one !r"st *.r. preserit' I'he rnlnutes were read and corected..LousAttebury,lnhlsabsence'waselectedvlcechalrnan' El"lzabeth sulllvan ""plit"a she has urltten for selected naterlal for our fl1e but has not recelved any yet' Ttre Ca1dwel1 Publlc Llbrary wllL house the pamphlet f1]e. Evans reporteh oir Jenlfer Atteburyr s work 1n regerd to Belnont/Albany st irea as a posslble Elstorlc Dj.strlct. Be ckrl th "na Srfffo"n iolunteered to help on further study' Allce DLrnLap wl1l nakl arrangetnents for a tour of 904 nefnont- ura ZOI dlnont for next week' Bvane stated we itrouttt dlscuss Hlstorlc Dlstrlct Ordlnances at our nelt neetlng. The neetlng was atl J ourned . Ueubers preaent ! Evans Sul11van lhura ton' En sley Dorsey Drnlap BEckrlth BauEen-CltY Councll Lorene T?rurston, Se cre tary o o