HomeMy WebLinkAboutHPC January 9, 1997oo 621 CLEVELAND BLVD, CALDWELL, IDAHO 83605 TEL: (208) 45s-3o21 FAX 455-3003 Caldwell Depot Facirg Seventh Avc. (1906) THE HISTORJC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Meeting of JanuarY 9, 1997 at the Idaho Room, Caldwell Public Library The Historic Preservation Commission meets the second Thursday of every month in the Idaho Room of the library at 7:00 p.m. Present: Staff: Absent: Roy Payne, Bill Ggray III, Tom Ensley, Rick Wells, Elaine Leppert, Sylvia Tag, Steve Maughan Ann Marie Reyes Carol Burbank, Melvin McClain, Chris Nye The January 9th meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at the Caldwell City Library, in the Idaho Room, at 7:00 p.m. The first item of business was approval of the Minutes of the December 12, 1996, meeting. Commissioner Ensley made a Motion to approve the Minutes as written. Commissioner Maughan seconded the Motion which passed unanimously. Commissioner Payne explained to the Commission that he had wrote a letter to the Mayor asking not to serve another three-year term due to time conflicts. This would be the last meeting that he would be attending. The next item of business was nominations and election of officers. Commissioner Maughan stated that he had spoken to Commissioner Nye, a week prior to the meetingi asking him if he would like to serve as Chairperson for the Commission. Commissioner Nye stated that he would accept the tromination as Chairperson. Commissioner Gigray stated he had also confirmed that with Commissioner Nye. A Motion was made by Commissioner Ensley to elect Commissioner Nye as the Chairperson for the year 1997. The Motion was seconded by Commissioner Leppert, which passed unanimously. Commissioner Leppert was elected to serye as Vice-Chair. Commissioner Maughan was elected to serve as Secretary. The next item ofbusiness was the Grant Contract. Arin Swanson sent a list ofall listed contractors u,ith the State to Commissioner Maughan. Burt Bedeau, State architectural Historian, wrote a note Hrstoric Preservanon I /9/97 Page I Historic Preservation Commission o Since Commissioner Maughan had to leave early he excused himself, tlerefore, the meeting was chaired by the new Vice-Chair Leppert. The next item of business was the status of the Caldwell Depot lighting project. Commissioner Payne stated that the proposal that he requested on the cost ofthe lighting and labor came in higher than anticipated. The total dollar figure is $3,883.00, that will include 215 feet of light rope and labor. That also only includes one Wal-Pak, instead of three or four that was anticipated. Commissioner Ensley suggested the Commission go back to Town and Country Electric and frnd out what could be purchased for $3,000.00. Commissioner Payne recommended that staffveriry the total amount in the budget. Commissioner Gigray questioned how much of the total was labor and horv much was materials. Commissioner Payne stated that he wasn't exactly sure but he thought the light rope was around $5.50 a lineal foot. There was much more labor involved than expected. Commissioner Ggray made a Motion that the amount in the budget be confirmed and Commissioner Ensley be given the discression to decide what can be contracted for $3,000.00. The Motion was seconded by Commissioner Ensley, which passed unanimously. o Htstoric Preservatioa I /9/97 Page l indicating his desire to be involved in choosing the contractor and participate in the proposal review. He would like to review the letter for request for proposal, to make sure that the lefter goes out to all the contractors provided by the State. Commissioner Maughan presented a copy of the grant. There was only one major change, the budget needs to be changed to a Fixed Fee Contuact for the Contractor. So the City's match needs to meet the contractors through in-kind, time sewed by the Commissioners and the Planning and Zoning staff The Commission needs to keep tract of the time they spend supporting the contract and every.thing the Commission does. According to A]ln Swanson. everything that is done is matchable against what the State provides. A time sheet will need to be submitted at each meeting. A Motion was made by Commissioner Leppert that a request is made to the Mayor and City Council to approve the Contract Grant Proposal. The Motion was seconded by Commissioner Ensley, which passed unanimously. Commissioner Maughan recognized Commissioner Wells, who was unavoidably detained. The next item of business was the status on the compilation of the historic propefy surveys. Commissioner Leppert stated that she has all of the surveys in the library. There is a total of six survey projects to be considered. The fust one was done in 1989, the Northwest Caldwell Historic Properties, which included an overview of27 files. ln 1990, Residential Property Survey, there were eight files, which could be bound with later surveys. In 1991, the Cleveland survey, included an overview of20 properties, and 8 properties for the 1990 survey. The 1992 project was the Blaine sun'ey. The overview rncluded 11 properties, and 2 properties ftom the 1990 survey. There is also the Arlington Addition, which is approximately one file. The Washington Heights survey included an overview ofthe school, 20 properties, and 8 properties from the 1990 sr-rvey. Commissioner Leppert stated the Oral History Committee would donate the paper to get the surveys copied. Commissioner Nye will do the binding. Commissioner Gigray questioned how many copies should be made. It was the general concensus of the Commission there be four copies made. aa Hrstoric Preservation I /9/97 Page 3 The next item of business was traffic desigr. commissioner Gigray stated that high volume roadways dealing with Histoiic Residential Districts need to be addressed. At some point Cleveland and Blaine need to be fixed. The curbs are a mess, there are many layers ofasphalt above the inital level of the curb. If it can be designed to accornmodate tramc, as well as, havi some critria to help maintain the residential character at the same time. Both goals can be accomplished at tlle same time and provide stability to the neighborhood. Commisioner Ensley questioned where J.U.B. was at in their trafEc study. Cornmissioner Wells stated that J.U.B. has done their traffic study in a computer model to see where the problems in the roadways are going to be. During the last several months, they are looking at the configuration ofthe intersections and whether they need to be widened. The Commission thanked Commissioner Payne for dedicating 3 years of service to the Commission. His time and effort was greatly appreciated. Discussion ofthe items for the next agenda. The date of the next meeting was set for Thursday, February 13, lggT . There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at g:40 p.m.